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the suit

On Valentine's Day, 1962, Jackie Kennedy invited television cameras into the White House to what would become an iconic tour of the extensive renovation she championed. In doing so, she reshaped the world's image of the First Lady and of ladies altogether. In 2022, armed with a pink suit (not a Chanel), Ori Lenkinski summons Kennedy's energy to take the audience on a tour of the here and now. The Suit is a site-specific choreographic tour, adapted to each location in which it is performed. The text for the performance is written specifically for the theater in which it is presented and, as such, no two performances of The Suit are the same.

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Concept, Choreography and Performance: Ori Lenkinski

Music: Chubby Checker, Pablo Casals

Artistic Advisors: Rachel Erdos, Renana Raz, Ofer Amram

Premier: Intimadance 2019, Tmuna Theater

Duration: 32 Minutes

Past performances

HOlland Dance Festival- the hague, Holland
Beth Shalom- pittsburgh, usA

Arts on Site- NYC, USA
Dock 11- Berlin, Germany
Quinzena de danca de almada- almada, portugal
women's festival- holon, israel
hanut 31- Tel Aviv, Israel
machol shalem dance house- jerusalem, israel
tmuna theater- tel aviv, israel
akko theater- akko, israel

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